Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Did They Loot?

This whole question of loot and looting don't frighten Nigerians, you know. We just get da kick out of da damn thing! Go on the streets and ask. What do you get? My people will ask you back: You mean say dem tief, true-true? Na wa o, for this kontri! Hahaha!!!

And guess what? You are dead wrong if you ever think they don't bother. For, they will then go ahead to list all the neglected, ignored, abandoned, substandard, overrated, under-delivered and demonic projects, policies, issues, contracts, people and places.....!

Finally, they will punch you a parting breeze: God go catch dem, you go see! Plus including dem family...just wait. Hmm, you go see!

Some punch-line!

Is da time here?

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