Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cost of Elections (1)

We thank the president for advising all political parties to reduce the cost of seeking electoral office in Nigeria, from Election 2007. Thank you, sir!

Following the sensible limits placed on electoral spendings by parliament in the new Electoral Act, it should be clear to the parties how much we need to clean things up. I will not chastise the ruling party for the very bad example it has set in fixing such high application fees - N5m for presidential, N3m for governorship, etc - since their leader has openly opposed same in his public advice. I call for compliance. Let it be said, too, that the party wisely and commendably exempted women from all fees. Bravo!

Without putting a fine point on it, N5million will create between ten and twenty SMEs/cottage industries in any local government area of Nigeria. If such funds are extracted from candidates, even before their parties' primaries, we are already sowing the seeds of desperation, thuggery, and cut-throat contestation instead of healthy competition. Unacceptable.

May we tell our politicians that political office, whether by election or selection, is not a bazaar - not for sale. We have no room for the "highest bidder" syndrome of the ignoble past anymore. It is one reason Nigerians are clamouring for Independent Candidacy. And we will have it come the next parliament. Before then, let the parties do right: create a level playing field for all.

What do I think? All fees should be reduced to the minimum wage level, if possible; but in any case, not higher than N10,000 for presidential bids. Let the parties find better ways to screen and weed, as well as fundraise at election time.

Politics of money-bags, and godfatherism, belong to the dustbin of our dirty past! Over.

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