Sunday, January 23, 2011

WOMEN and 2011

Keen observers of the goings-on must be at once amused and concerned about the place and prospects in the 2011 General Elections. I am.

Let’s start from the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action which our women talk so much about but do pretty little to actualize: Gender is not just about women, it is about Men & Women. Therefore it requires BOTH sexes to fully integrate WOMEN in national development! Curiously, our women leaders pursue exclusivity or reverse-discrimination in prosecuting their version of the Gender Agenda. We should wonder.

As every contestant, whether in politics or elsewhere, knows there is no substitute for hard work and networking plus relevance. Seeking to get things merely on quota or sentiments hardly works. The evidence was there at the PDP presidential primary election. Jonathan’s landslide victory mocked the ordinariness both the zoning (Atiku) and gender (Sarah) carrots. This, pray seeker, is 2011; and this is section-weary and religion-wary Nigeria!

The message: Your co-citizens want you to earn their confidence and their votes on MERIT, period.

Shall we then counsel women leaders that it is time to return to the Letter & Spirit of the Beijing Platform if they seek to actualize its laudable and long overdue objectives/goals. Cherry-picking for the season and convenience-packs for the pocket will not do. We need to see strategic crusading rather than tactical forays.

Now to the MEN: You will miss 50% of national resource and country capability by ignoring WOMEN! Nigeria needs 100%. Having cornered ALL politically, be prepared to concede 30-50% of political appointments after the elections - at ALL levels! No compromise.

Last word: Women leaders, starting with Patience Jonathan, must proceed to arm-twist ALL candidates and their political parties for this DEAL. Wives of candidates as well as female running mates must get their men to commit publicly NOW! Not later. Women may now TEST their leaders.

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