Saturday, June 25, 2011

Your Cabinet Will Make or Mar You, Oh Leader!

Never mind what percentage of the votes we gave you, if you take things for granted and load your cabinet and corridors with political jobbers and IOU-robed appointees, there'll  be enough robbers and jesters to last your unraveled tenure. No-one old enough to seek and win election in this land is ignorant of this scourge!

Show me your ministers and commissioners and top technocrats and lead bureaucrats and I will craft you your inevitable tapestry - for good or for ill.

Why, you must be grateful to all who helped. But your best and most gratitude is in stellar performance. Only the fit and tight can help you deliver that. May God guide you aright.

Now the key appeal: Dear Nigerians, please leave our elected leaders and their appointees alone. Let them serve you their relation or friend or associate equally as they serve us all, the nation. Ruin not your own.